User's manual

Data: 08/02/2021

AMT Mobile V3

App Mobile

The AMT Mobile application allows you to monitor the residential or commercial property using the Intelbras Monitored Alarm by smartphone.
This application does not dispense with the recommendation of hiring an electronic monitoring and security company to complement the protection of your assets.

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Mobile devices

» Compatible with smartphones:
» Android: version equal or higher than 4.4.0;
» iOS: version equal or higher than 8.0;
Note: Compatible with iPhone 5S or higher only. (Not compatible with iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C)
» The solution is only supported on smartphones certified by ANATEL;
» Smartphones should not have their ROMs and operating systems changed with unofficial versions (Root ou Jailbreak).
Obs.: Some cell phones by factory feature when in stand by (screen blocked) and when set to night mode or do not disturb, can inhibit notifications instant messages, storing to notify you after the device starts up.

Compatibility Tables

Model Version of Firmware equal or higher
AMT 8000 All versions
AMT 2018 E/EG 4.7.0
AMT 2118 E/EG All versions
AMT 4010 SMART All versions
AMT 1016 NET All versions
ANM 24 NET All versions


  1. Monitoring real time

  2. Arm/Desarm of alarm

  3. Notifications Push

  4. Trigger notification with siren ring in the app

  5. Notifications with edited names in the user and zone alarm

  6. Control of exit PGM's

  7. Emergency button with siren trigger

  8. Emergency button without siren trigger

  9. Bypass (Cancellation of zones)


» After installing AMT Mobile V3, click on the icon created on your smartphone screen;
» Home screen, click the '+' button in the upper right corner.  
» Opens a screen with data to be configured to access a new exchange.
    » Description field: Used to enter the name you want for the exchange.
    » Connection mode: The application allows you to connect with the alarm by Cloud or software Receptor IP.

» Connection by Cloud

To make the connection via Cloud, it is necessary to fill the Central MAC in the next field.
To find out the MAC of your control panel, enter the control panel programming mode using the keyboard (Enter + 9090 if it is the default installer password) and then type the command: Enter + 811 + Enter.
Connect your control panel to the network, and check if it is possible to make the connection, if you are unable to connect to your panel, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter programming mode with installer password -> ENTER + Installer password (Factory default 9090)

  2. Check the switch's mac -> ENTER + 811 + ENTER

  3. Enable DHCP -> ENTER + 831 + ENTER and enable key 1

  4. Perform the steps below:

    1. Enter programming mode with installer password -> ENTER + Installer password (Factory default 9090);

    2. ENTER + 8120 + ENTER -> (write the IP LOCAL of alarm) + ENTER;

    3. ENTER + 8130 + ENTER -> (write NETWORK MASK) + ENTER;

    4. ENTER + 8140 + ENTER -> (write NETWORK GATEWAY) + ENTER.

Case the information in items 1, 2 and 3 is reset or is not using an LCD keyboard, configure manually as below using any Intelbras keyboard:


  2. ENTER + 8120 + ENTER +(insert the IP write or the network IP valid) + ENTER

  3. ENTER + 8130 + ENTER + NETWORK MASK + ENTER (insert network mask valid)

  4. ENTER + 8140 + ENTER + NETWORK GATEWAY + ENTER (insert network gateway)

  5. ENTER + 8151 + (server DNS of Google 1) + ENTER

  6. ENTER + 8152 + (server DNS of Google 2) + ENTER (insert the server DNS Google or server DNS valid)

  7. Exit the programming mode typing the INSTALLER PASSWORD

ATTENTION: It is necessary that port 9009 or 8080 is released for the app to work correctly, check with your network manager

» Connection by software Receptor IP

To make the connection via IP Receiver it is necessary to fill in the fields: IP / DNS, Port and Account. To find out what data should be filled in these fields, consult your monitoring company.

» Synchronization of token with software Receptor IP

To perform automatic token synchronization via connection to the IP Receiver, simply check the field: Synchronize the token with IP Receiver.

ATTENTION: This functionality is compatible with version 3.0.10 or higher of software Receptor IP.

» Full activation button function

The password to be registered is the same used for activation, deactivation of the control panel via keyboard (master password or secondary passwords).

» Password Acess Remote

You can access the last 256 events that occurred in the control panel, for this you need the remote access password of the panel. This password can be registered using the control panel keypad. After entering programming mode, enter Enter + 2063 + 6-digit password + Enter.

Finally, after these settings just click on save.


After the configuration step, it is already possible to connect to the control panel. To do this, just click on the icon with the switch you want to access.
When the connection is successful, an image is displayed showing the status of the exchange, just click on the image to activate or deactivate.
Funcionalidades como: PGM's, Zonas, Eventos, Problemas/Sirene, Emergência ou Emergência Silenciosa estão disponíveis no Menu Lateral do aplicativo.
Functionalities such as: PGM's, Zones, Events, Problems / Siren, Emergency or Silent Emergency are available in the Side Menu of the application.


The application has resource to receive push notifications of events generated by alarm.

» When the access mode to the control panel is Cloud, the device identifier is generated and sent automatically, no registration is required. If you want to stop receiving notifications from any given exchange, simply delete it from your list of exchanges.

» To receive notifications with access via IP Receiver, the user must click on the upper right icon within the user manual, a TOKEN identifier number will appear, the user must enter the e-mail of the monitoring company in the "To" field and then press and wait for the company to make the notification service available.

ATTENTION: When programming the zone of the control panel as a PANIC or 24 HOUR function and insert it as a QUIET one, it will not generate the siren sound at the control panel when it is violated. In the meantime, it will report the PANICO event or 24 HOURS in the app, thus generating the notification with the siren beep on the smartphone, which the exchange is registered with.

Note: * Consult the models available for this function with your monitoring company.

Suport Intelbras

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